adam barnhard

How To Solve It

One of the primary responsibilities of a software developer is to be a problem solver. It’s our responsibility to take business requirements and figure out how to deliver a system that can support those needs. The rub is that there is no single pattern or process that can delivery results every time, each situation is slightly different. If you misunderstand either the requirements or the underlying context of the feature you will very likely make mistakes or incorrect assumptions.

One approach to tackling this problem is outlined in G. Polya’s book “How To Solve It”, where Polya lays out a four step process for thinking about novel problems and provides a list of helpful heuristics to make solving problems easier.

1. Understand The Problem

It is foolish to answer a question you do not understand. It is sad to work for an end that you do not desire.
- G. Polya

The first step, which seems obvious in theory but can be easily missed in practice, is to understand the problem you are trying to solve. In a software engineering context this means one thing: ASK QUESTIONS.

2. Devising A Plan

We have a plan when we know, or know at least in outline, which calculations, computations, or constructions we have to perform in order to obtain the unknown.
- G. Polya

The second step is to come up with a plan, or in other words, its time to think. Not only is it time to think, it’s time to research! The odds that you’re solving a completely novel problem, the likes of which no one has seen before, are very low. Google is our friend, and it’s very likely someone has solved a problem similar to ours and talked about it somewhere on the internet. We score no points for reinventing wheels, and we can’t invent better ones if we don’t understand the current designs. In addition to research, Polya provides a couple useful strategies for devising a plan:

3. Carrying Out The Plan

This is the step where we actually start writing code. For this step we break a bit from Polya to a concept from “The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master” called tracer code. The idea is similar to prototyping with one major difference: you are not writing this code to be thrown away (sorry Brooks). If the application is a reporting web app, the first thing we build is a simple app that pulls all the data from the database and displays it in the browser. The next thing we build are the filters that allow us to not dump the entire DB into the browser.

This approach allows you to validate that the architecture is feasible, as well as providing a demo-able app you can share with stakeholders early on in the development process.

4. Looking Back

By looking back at the completed solution, by reconsidering and reexamining the result and the path that led to it, they [the student] could consolidate their knowledge and develop their ability to solve problems.
- G. Polya

Reflecting on the solution is part of the process. Like red, green, refactor in TDD or the adage to “First make it work, then make it right, then make it fast”, reflection is a vital part of creating good code. Writing software is simultaneously an act of creation and discovery. The odds that we’ll truly understand a problem until we’re deep in the middle of it are very low. Reflection gives us the opportunity to ask “What would I have done then, knowing what I know now?”.

The beauty of software development is that isn’t a rhetorical question. Unlike physical construction, we can often take those learnings and apply them directly to the systems that generated them.

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